11/13/17 UPDATE: A proposal to construct a hockey complex in St. Louis County’s Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park which would have converted 40 acres of parkland in the floodplain to a massive hockey complex was called off Friday, Nov. 10th. The Post-Dispatch reported on the developers’ decision to rethink their plan to develop in the…
Read MoreSTLFPC Spotlight on Sara Hale of Fair Shares CCSA
What part of the food system do you work on? Marketing locally produced foods from small producers to consumers in the St. Louis area via a Combined CSA model—we are in our 10th season. What other organizations in STL does your organization work with on food issues? Though we have worked with several organizations in…
Read MoreTell Gov. to Halt the Factory Farm Industry’s Attack on MO’s Clean Water Commission
TAKE ACTION – Citizens should have a voice in protecting our waters. Factory Farms are undermining our rights to clean water and air. The Clean Water Commission is a 7-member citizens’ board which holds the authority in Missouri to implement the federal Clean Water Act and Missouri Clean Water Law and certify factory farm permits. A new state…
Read MoreLocal Food Hero: Spotlight on Bryan Meyers of Three Springs Farm
When did you start farming? We three have slightly different backgrounds. Andrew and Jacob have been farming for about as long as they have been able to stand up! Bryan is late to the work and he started when the team assembled in 2011 to begin our joint work as Three Spring Farms. What is…
Read MoreSTLFPC Spotlight on Kaitie Adams of EarthDance Organic Farm School
What part of the food system do you work on? We work on a lot of different sections of the food system at the exact same time. We grow food organically here in Ferguson in North County so we are producers. We are also educators, through our farm school….
Read MoreLocal Food Hero: Spotlight on Blaine Bilyeu of Papa’s Pasture
When did you start farming? I was raised on the farm I currently own. I have been in love with this land and the potential it holds as far back as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are of climbing out of my crib at nap time to go check on the hogs….
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