Take Action: Efforts by U.S. Strategic Metals and Critical Minerals Recovery Could Cause Lasting Impacts on Your Health, Air, Water, and Land US Strategic Metals (USSM), formerly Missouri Cobalt, acquired the Madison Mine site in 2018 and is planning to use the site to mine and refine existing mine waste and underground deposits to create…
Read MoreMake your voice heard: Extreme Urban Heat Policy Plan Listening Sessions
Missouri Coalition for the Environment is working with community partners to create the first-ever Extreme Urban Heat Policy Plan with the city of St. Louis. This three-year, community-driven initiative will identify and work to address increased health risks, death rates, and energy costs faced by citizens from climate change induced extreme heat. If you are…
Read MoreMake Your Vote Count: How to Recognize a Pro-Environment Political Candidate
Missouri Coalition for the Environment is dedicated to empowering individuals to make informed decisions at the ballot box, a mission we believe is critical to creating a sustainable future. Your role in identifying the political candidates who align with your values and vision for a healthy, thriving environment is crucial. To guide you in making…
Read More2024 Missouri Legislative Win
Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) is thrilled to see that Governor Parson signed HB 2134 into law on Tuesday, July 9, providing greater protections for residents near facilities that mix and store sludge and related wastes as well as near the properties where these materials are land applied. The impetus for this bill was…
Read MoreMissouri Coalition for the Environment’s 2024 Position on Mining in Missouri
Introduction Mining must be done responsibly and limit impacts on current and future Missourians. Mining of certain critical minerals is important for technological devices we use in everyday life and for renewable energy infrastructure. Missouri Coalition for the Environment believes Missouri must embrace effective safe mining practices for the health and safety of mining workers,…
Read More2024 Missouri Legislature Bill Tracker
New Things in MCE’s Tracker This Year: Bills Tracked by Priority Bills Tracked by Position Fact Sheets on Priority or Emerging Issues
Read More2023 Missouri Legislative Session Recap
Sumbal Haseeb, Legislative Intern The 2023 Missouri Legislative Session ended on Friday, May 12, and MCE wants to share where our highest priority bills landed. This year, the Missouri Legislature passed the least amount of bills in a legislative session in years. A total of 60 bills were passed out of the legislature, of which only…
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