by Alicia Claire Lloyd Take action by signing the 1Mississippi’s “Repel the Repeal” petition here and support the Clean Water Rule! Federal attempts to undermine commonsense policy would repeal the clean water protections established in 2015 by the EPA and Corps to protect Missouri wetlands and source drinking water. Our own Missouri senator, Claire McCaskill…
Read MoreSTLFPC Spotlight on Jenn DeRose of the Green Dining Alliance
What part of the food system do you work on? The Green Dining Alliance is a certification program that works with restaurants to reduce their environmental impact through reducing their energy and water use, reducing waste, educating their staff and customers, and encouraging them to source more local food. Restaurants in the GDA receive an…
Read MoreDicamba Damage Reported in Startling Numbers in Missouri
by Mae Riordan, MCE Water and Agricultural Communications Intern and Alicia Claire Lloyd, MCE Clean Water Policy Coordinator Farms across the Corn Belt are suffering major crop losses due to pesticide drift from a potent herbicide called Dicamba (see EPA fact sheet here), and Missouri is no exception. Dicamba is a pesticide used to control…
Read MoreLocal Food Hero: Spotlight on Sandy Sorensen of Sorensen’s Heritage Farm
Sandy Sorensen is not your average pork farmer. In the overcrowded field of meat vendors at the farmer’s market, Sorensen sets herself apart by inventing new, innovative sausages. Examples of her “wacky” products include sriracha honey chicken jerky, Total Eclipse (black, polish sausage with squid ink) and maple chocolate bacon skewers. She is well…
Read MoreKeeping Chickens in the City of St. Louis
Chickens are some of the most common farm animals in urban areas. They can be raised for their fertile manure or eggs. Raising chickens can be rewarding, fruitful, and fun for the whole family, but certain aspects must be considered before starting your flock. Board Bill 52, which was sponsored by Alderwoman Cara Spencer and…
Read MoreCity of St. Louis Leads Region with New Urban Agriculture Policies
Dept. of Public Safety Allows Onsite Sales of Produce, Eggs, and Honey Board of Alderman Vote for Expansion of Backyard Chickens PRESS RELEASE Date: July 14, 2017 Contact: Melissa Vatterott, (314) 581-0561, Alderwoman Cara Spencer, (314) 556-7379, Alderwoman Christine Ingrassia, (314) 622-3287, St. Louis, MO: The Board of Aldermen voted to allow…
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