Farm Visit: Claverach Farms

  In late June 2015, Food and Farm Coordinator Melissa Vatterott and food and farm intern Claire Mai visited the beautiful Claverach Farm in Eureka, Missouri. Farmer Rachel Shulman led a tour of the property and explained some of the ideas behind a biodynamic farm with a soil-chemistry perspective. Farmers at Claverach work hard to…

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Interactive Local Foodshed Map

   In creating this map, we want to promote only those businesses that truly and regularly support local farmers. We’ve provided here sourcing connections that were listed by farmers, either on their farm websites or through Slow Food St. Louis’s Farm Directory. How To Use This Map We have plotted resources within the 150-mile radius of…

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Interactive Local Foodshed Map

“Our Future?” plus 3

// By Brad Walker, Rivers Director     July 14, 2015 PDF Version MCE released the Our Future? Report in April 2012. Three years later, we are still headed down a precarious path. The report continues to be an accurate description of what is needed to move to real sustainability. Several of the major problems identified…

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Everyone lives in a watershed What is a watershed? Why is what we do on land crucial to clean water? A watershed includes all of the life-sustaining connections and interconnection that provide us with clean, useable water. The most fundamental of these connections is the mutual relationship between land and water.  Every land area drains into…

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Local Food Hero: Missouri Department of Agriculture’s Farm-to-School Taskforce

Missouri Department of Agriculture’s Farm-to-School Taskforce Their Food Story: Missouri Department of Agriculture promotes local food from local farmers across Missouri in various ways, including AgriMissouri. AgriMissouri is a website that promotes all things related to Missouri agriculture, including tourism, agriculture events, and a directory of producers based on a particular agricultural product. The AgriMissouri staff…

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