Title II: Conservation

The Conservation title provides assistance in the form of payments and technical support in order to help farmers, ranchers, and landowners utilize conservation practices in their operations. By incentivizing use of conservation practices with these voluntary programs, this title aims to protect and improve water, soil, wildlife, and air. Overall mandatory funding for conservation programs…

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Title I: Commodities

The programs under Title I provide payments to farmers who produce “covered commodities” as well as dairy and sugar. “The term ‘covered commodity’ means wheat, corn, grain sorghum, barley, oats, upland cotton, long grain rice, medium grain rice, pulse crops, soybeans, and other oilseeds.” The title also authorizes agricultural disaster assistance programs. Rather than providing…

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Attend Governor’s Flooding Recovery Advisory Working Group Meetings

On July 18, 2019,  Governor Parson signed an Executive Order creating a “Flooding Recovery Advisory Task Force” (FRAWG).  The FRAWG is tasked with submitting a report to the Governor about the “state’s short-, medium-, and long-term flood recovery priorities and feedback on the state’s current levee system.” The draft report is due to the Governor…

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Attend Governor’s Flooding Recovery Advisory Working Group Meetings