The following bills are a priority because they are moving through the legislative process and need to be supported or opposed immediately. How it works: 1. Click on the bill number below. 2. Enter your information to retrieve your senator’s contact info. 3. Follow the action steps. 4. Log your action. This step helps MCE when communicating with…
Read MoreSettlement between Missouri Coalition for the Environment and Worlds of Fun Will Benefit Shoal Creek Watershed and the Missouri River
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: March 9, 2017 Contacts: Alicia Lloyd, Clean Water Policy Coordinator, Missouri Coalition for the Environment (314) 727-0600 x112, Bob Menees, Attorney, Great Rivers Environmental Law Center (314) 231-4181, Lia Comerford, Staff Attorney, Earthrise Law Center (503) 768-6823, Kansas City, MO: The Missouri Coalition for the Environment (“MCE”) and…
Read MoreCorporate Influence
CURRENT STORIES [metaslider id=1857] LOCAL EVENTS We the People 2.0 website “We the People 2.0 confronts its viewers with the ravages of mine tailings and leaky containment ponds, of sludge and ooze and grue, all of which, the film documents, are killing people, particularly in the cancer-blighted small towns…
Read MoreHigh School Internships
Intern with Missouri Coalition for the Environment this summer Spend the summer with MCE and learn about the intersection of the environment, public health, and justice. We are a statewide environmental advocacy group working to empower citizens to make systemic changes in their communities to protect and defend the environment for the benefit of all….
Read MoreCorporate Personhood Timeline
Defend Family Farmers & Local Food
The Issue: Defend Family Farmers & Local Food Missouri is in the midst of a struggle between family farmers and corporate farms. The siting and permitting of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO’s) is an ongoing issue in rural areas and the state capitol. MCE supports legislation that will protect family farmers, keep agriculture decisions in local…
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