American Industrialized Agribusinesses Preparing to “Save” Cuba

// By Brad Walker, Rivers Director        October 12, 2015 PDF Version This article is not pro-communism or pro-Castro. It is about objectively looking at agriculture in Cuba and maybe finding better ways to improve agriculture here. On December 17, 2014, President Obama made a speech indicating that the U.S. would be opening relationships with Cuba,…

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MCE: Keeping Government Accountable

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 released an internal review of the West Lake Landfill on June 15, 2016; more than two years after MCE was denied the document following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in early 2014. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been in charge of the West Lake Landfill…

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MCE Honors Environmental Heroes at Grassroots Gala

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date:  October 12, 2015 Contact:  Heather B. Navarro, Executive Director MISSOURI COALITION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT PRESENTS 46TH ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS AT THE GRASSROOTS GALA Missouri Coalition for the Environment will celebrate its Grassroots Gala “From Street to Skyline” on Friday, October 23rd at 6:30 pm at Rooster on South Grand Boulevard…

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St. Louis Food Policy Coalition Membership

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] STLFPC Member Organizations The St. Louis Food Policy Coalition is a group of stakeholders who represent organizations, businesses, farms, local government, and other entities that either 1) work to advance at least one of the core values or 2) work in the counties that the St. Louis Food Policy Coalition supports. The STLFPC functions as…

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St. Louis Food Policy Coalition Membership

St. Louis Food Policy Coalition

After releasing the St. Louis Regional Food Study in November 2014, Missouri Coalition for the Environment sought to bring experts and passionate individuals together from diverse interest groups to address the food system needs of the Greater St. Louis area. In St. Louis, there are many great, local efforts addressing hunger, food access, sustainable agriculture, nutrition, social justice, community and economic development. The St….

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Tell Missouri’s Attorney General To Support The Clean Power Plan

We are teaming up with the Sierra Club to ask Attorney General Koster to support President Obama’s Clean Power Plan that will set limits on carbon dioxide pollution for the first time ever. Missouri’s Attorney General Chris Koster has a key role to play in protecting President Obama’s historic action on climate change. The EPA’s…

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