Greater St. Louis Area Gleaning Program

What is Gleaning  Gleaning involves a team of volunteers going to a farm to harvest or pick up already harvested unwanted food from the farmer for donation. Gleaned food is quickly distributed to food-insecure individuals and families in the region.  Gleaning is happening all across the country and as of June 2020, it is now…

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Greater St. Louis Area Gleaning Program

Ladder of Advocacy — Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

Most animal production in the United States comes from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), also referred to as factory farms. Confining hundreds to hundreds of thousands of animals together, often pumped with multiple antibiotics at every meal, poses a significant number of environmental and human health threats that are well documented, such as antibiotic resistance,…

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Ladder of Advocacy — Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

MCE Stands in Solidarity Against Racial Injustice

Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) stands in solidarity with the family of George Floyd and everyone who suffers fear, oppression, and violence because of the color of their skin. We cannot continue to watch and participate in a system that keeps killing black men, women, and children. The murder of George Floyd is another…

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What You Can Do to Keep Parks Open

Our parks being accessible is a must, as it encourages both mental and physical wellness. We have a collective responsibility to respect and protect our natural areas. Which is why it is so important to do what we can to support keeping parks open during the pandemic. Come prepared With things changing day by day,…

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What You Can Do to Keep Parks Open

Report Environmental Concerns – Missouri Pollution Watch

Have you noticed an environmental concern that you’d like to report? You can let us know by filling out the form below. This form notifies Missouri Coalition for the Environment, a statewide non-profit, of your concern. We will follow up as soon as we can and work with our staff, partners, and allies to address…

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Report Environmental Concerns – Missouri Pollution Watch