2024 Missouri Legislative Win

Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) is thrilled to see that Governor Parson signed HB 2134 into law on Tuesday, July 9, providing greater protections for residents near facilities that mix and store sludge and related wastes as well as near the properties where these materials are land applied.  The impetus for this bill was…

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Historic Timeline of Toxic Waste in St. Louis

The St. Louis region played a major role in the creation of the Atomic Bomb. View our timeline of events related to the toxic waste in St. Louis below or view the timeline full screen on its own page here.

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Historic Timeline of Toxic Waste in St. Louis

US Government Accountability Office Report on St. Louis Radioactive Sites

At the request of Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush and House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) initiated an investigation of the United States Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) managed by the US Army Corps of Engineers. The GAO released those findings in mid-October after a years-long investigation. For…

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US Government Accountability Office Report on St. Louis Radioactive Sites

Nuclear Frontline Communities Understand Cumulative Burdens—Let’s Get Policymakers On The Same Page – Union of Concerned Scientists

The following is a blog from the Union of Concerned Scientists. The original blog can also be found on their website here. By Chanese A. FortĂ©, Scientist Nuclear frontline communities are people and communities directly harmed by the development, production, testing, clean-up, and waste storage of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials. Many people don’t know they are exposed….

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Nuclear Frontline Communities Understand Cumulative Burdens—Let’s Get Policymakers On The Same Page – Union of Concerned Scientists

Action Needed on MCE’s Priority Issues in the Missouri Legislature

Below is an overview of the priority issues MCE is working on in the Missouri Legislature this session. Phone calls to your legislators is an effective tool to attract attention to issues you care about. Contact your Missouri legislators to let them know you want them to take action. Find your legislators and their phone…

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Radioactive Lead PB 210 Found in Jana Elementary School Building Near Coldwater Creek

Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) stands in solidarity with Jana Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and what their independent testing has discovered inside of Jana Elementary School. MCE will help support their needs and push for an immediate and permanent solution to the radioactive contamination found at Jana Elementary School. The health implications are far…

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Radioactive Lead PB 210 Found in Jana Elementary School Building Near Coldwater Creek

Deepening Our Commitment

MCE has worked on nuclear and other hazardous waste issues throughout Missouri for decades, and recently we have been engaged with addressing the public health disaster at West Lake Landfill and Coldwater Creek. In partnership with Just Moms STL, we were successful in receiving a record of decision from the EPA in 2018 to commit…

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Deepening Our Commitment