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Read MoreWest Lake Landfill
The EPA announced it will remove up to 70% of the radioactivity at the West Lake Landfill in the Record of Decision (ROD) it issued in 2018. While MCE supports 100% removal, this is a significant step forward that will reduce the threat of radioactive contamination in the region. MCE supports the safety of people…
Read MoreOperable Unit-3 Background
Operable Unit-3 Background The creation of Operable Unit-3 (OU-3) was announced in 2017 to further investigate radioactive groundwater contamination beneath the landfill. Only a few groundwater samples collected in the mid-1990s found Radium exceeding the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water. The EPA required new groundwater samples collected in 2012-2014 in order to freshen…
Read More2020 Environmental Priorities
On this page: Review MCE’s priority bills this legislative session. Lawmakers in Jefferson City arguably have more influence over our environment than local or federal elected officials, making your engagement critical. Report back on your engagement! Let us know how your engagement went with your state representative and state senator. This helps MCE be more…
Read MoreBrief History of Radioactivity in metro-St. Louis
St. Louis has a long legacy of radioactive contamination related to the production of nuclear weapons. In the 1940s, St. Louis was an integral part of the Manhattan Project. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works processed a majority of the uranium needed for the building of the first atomic bomb at their plant north of downtown St. Louis…
Read MoreMCE Statement on the West Lake Landfill Record of Decision
MCE statement on the West Lake Landfill Record of Decision The EPA’s West Lake Landfill decision marks a significant milestone in the cleanup of the West Lake Landfill and is a positive step toward the long-term safety of the St. Louis region. The EPA’s final decision calls for removal of up to 70% of the…
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