Title X includes the most programs that support specialty crops (fruit, vegetables, and tree nuts) including organics and local foods. These programs incentivize specialty crops, promote fresh fruit and vegetable consumption, promote organic agriculture, and provide funding for pest identification and control.
The 2018 Farm Bill creates the new program, the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP), by combining and expanding the Farmers Market Promotion, the Local Food Promotion Program, and the Value-Added Agricultural Product Market Development Grants program. LAMP was given mandatory funding of $50 million annually to provide funding for the core priorities of the former programs. The consolidation of these programs allows administrative procedures to be streamlined, increases coordination between producers and the USDA, builds regional partnerships, and provides additional assistance to develop local food systems. A new provision also encourages the use of federal resources to leverage private investment and encourage foodshed level approaches to food economies.
The Horticulture Title includes provisions that support urban agriculture development, including new programs and authorizations in other titles of the Farm Bill. Provisions to USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) strengthen tracking and data collection while also expanding mandatory funding for National Organic Certification Cost Share Program.
Specialty Crop Block Grants (SCBG) were reauthorized and given increased funding. SCBG’s purpose “is to solely enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops” (USDA Agricultural Marketing Service). Other parts of Title X address industrial hemp production to further facilitate commercial cultivation, processing, and marketing.