Below, you will find templates for posts about supporting Missouri’s public lands. Share these as Instagram stories or posts to inspire your followers to take action to protect their environment!

Helpful reminders as you share your post:

If you share an Instagram story, don’t forget to use the link feature, which will allow your followers to easily access the link that will redirect them to more information. You can also add the link to your bio for 24 hours, if you would like. Be sure to tag Missouri Coalition for the Environment (@moenvironment)!

If you share an Instagram post, you can make the link accessible to your followers by temporarily adding it to your bio. We suggest leaving it for about a week to ensure your followers have enough time to access it, but this is up to you. Above each template, you will find suggestions on information to include in your caption, but feel free to personalize and relate MCE’s actions to your own stories, experiences, and values — it can help your followers understand the importance of taking action when they connect with you! Don’t forget to tag Missouri Coalition for the Environment (@moenvironment) in the post or the caption.


#KeepMoParksOpen — Help protect our natural areas and keep Missouri Parks open during COVID-19. Wear a mask, check park hours and instructions prior to your visit, and keep a six-foot distance during your visits. Learn more at, and follow Missouri Coalition for the Environment @moenvironment for more information about how to protect Missouri’s parks and public lands.


You may download these images here.