Flooding at the Confluences – History, Information, & Advocacy
View our Flood Timeline Page for a history of flood-related events. In early January 2016, devastating flooding occurred within Missouri on several rivers. Flood height reached record levels on the Mississippi at Cape Girardeau, MO and Thebes, IL and at other locations near records were recorded. The flood closed highways, destroyed homes, and took at…
Read MorePack a Punch: Boost Your Health and the Local Economy with the #moparkschallenge!
The second week of April is upon us, which means we are heading into the second week of the #moparkschallenge! I headed out to the Katy Trail State Park over the weekend with the intention of biking the trail, but the weather was a little too cold and wet for my biking tastes, so I…
Read MoreCrayfish, Caddisflies, Scud, Oh My!
by Maggie Hennessey, MCE Clean Water Outreach and Advocacy Intern On Friday, March 18th, MCE Clean Water Policy Coordinator, Alicia Claire Lloyd and I attended the Missouri Stream Team Introductory Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Workshop. On this chilly spring day, we had the opportunity to learn about stream monitoring in a classroom setting before putting…
Read MoreSpring 2016 Alert Newsletter
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Read MoreInteractive Watershed Maps
Find your watershed on our interactive maps! St. Louis and Kansas City area maps follow. Once you find your watershed, click here to become a Watershed Warrior! To use the maps: Arrow to down in the “Legend” frame to display “Layers” frame. Check/uncheck selection boxes to show or hide layers of information. Zoom in and…
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