The Lower Missouri River Coalition (LMRC) is a group of organizations advocating for floodplain reconnection and restoration along the Missouri River from Sioux City, IA to St. Louis, MO.
The Missouri River is the longest and one of the most historic rivers in North America. The “Mighty MO” flows for over 2,300 miles and drains one-sixth of the continental United States. For the last century, Congress has authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to administer flood control, navigation, and irrigation on the Missouri River by impounding, channelizing, and dredging the river. Where the “Big Muddy” was once a meandering river with braided channels, it is now a series of massive reservoirs on the upper river and a straight, deep, narrow channel on the lower river from Sioux City, IA, to the mouth near St. Louis. Decades of intensive management of the Missouri River and development in its floodplains have exacerbated flood damages in river towns and destroyed fish and wildlife habitat. The LMRC advocates for the restoration of functional hydrology and associated ecosystem services in the Lower Missouri River and its floodplain.
More info about the Lower Missouri River Coalition Coming Soon…