Althoff Farms
Althoff Farms, a 14 acre farm, was started in 2012 and is run by Heather and Dan Althoff near LaPrairie, IL. On a nice evening in mid-June we dropped by to talk to Heather about what she does and see several of her cows, which were lounging in the grass (along with some very cute kittens!). Heather and Dan raise a number of different varieties of beef and specialize in grass fed and grass finished beef. Another product that sets Althoff Farms apart is their non-GMO grain fed beef — it can be very difficult to find non-GMO feed but luckily they’re able to get it from a local farmer that mills their own. Heather and Dan sell their meat as part of CSA and Cow Share programs and also make specialty products like soap and sausage gift boxes, which they offer seasonally. Additionally, they sell at Grown N Gathered and Macomb Food Coop. If you want to learn more you can check out their website here!