Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) is thrilled to see that Governor Parson signed HB 2134 into law on Tuesday, July 9, providing greater protections for residents near facilities that mix and store sludge and related wastes as well as near the properties where these materials are land applied. The impetus for this bill was…
Read MoreTell the Air Conservation Commission: Don’t Remove Anonymous Reporting
Timeline of CAFO Policy
MCE Policy Team created this timeline in partnership with Missourian Cheryl Marcum
Read MoreAir Pollution in Missouri
Is Your Air Safe? All throughout the world, air quality is getting worse every day. There are countless pollutants being emitted into the air by humans every single day in various ways, such as transportation, manufacturing, waste, and more. The extent to which we pollute has been too large and has been negatively affecting the…
Read MoreMCE’s Statement on Recent Supreme Court Ruling Against Local CAFO Regulations
The Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) is deeply disappointed by the recent ruling of the Missouri Supreme Court upholding the state law that prohibits local regulations of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). This decision is a major setback for our efforts to protect the health and well-being of Missouri’s communities, as well as the…
Read MoreSenate Passes the Inflation Reduction Act: Major Climate Wins
Written by Josh Jay, Summer Policy Intern President Biden signed The Inflation Reduction Act into law on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, and there is much to be thankful for in the MCE community! After weeks of negotiations, the Senate passed the bill through the reconciliation process, reducing the number of votes needed from 60 to…
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