The Missouri Coalition for the Environment opposes the EPA’s 2019 revised definition of “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS). We are concerned that the proposed rule:
- Increases flood risks by stripping protections from at least 51 percent of wetlands in the U.S.
- Threatens drinking water for over 2 million Missourians by removing protections for small streams
- Ignores the importance of small streams and wetlands for outdoor recreation in Missouri
- Ignores the voice of nearly 1.5 Americans who expressed support for the Clean Water Rule and oppose rolling back critical protections for clean water.
How is MCE Taking Action on WOTUS Rule?
The Washington University Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic provided verbal testimony on behalf of MCE at the EPA’s public hearing in Kansas City on February 28, 2019. MCE collected over 120 postcards, submitted a public petition letter, and a technical comment letter to EPA before the April 15, 2019 deadline for comment. You can read MCE’s comment letter by clicking on the image below.