CAFO Concerns
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If you are living near a CAFO, you may experience a number of economic, environmental and public health concerns. In this section of the Toolkit, you will find documents explaining some of these concerns, how to document them and where to report them in order to protect yourself and your community from the destructive effects of CAFOs.
Missouri CAFOs are permitted under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Therefore, many of the concerns outlined in this section pertain to water contamination. Water pollution from animal manure is one of the major ways that CAFOs damage human health and the environment. Animals on CAFOs produce as much waste as humans in major cities, but unlike human sewage, there are no treatment plants for animal waste and it can be applied directly to land. Through poor application practices, leaks, spills, and other incidents, massive amounts of animal waste can leach into our groundwater and runoff into surface waters – with disastrous impacts on surrounding communities. We need Watchdogs documenting and reporting these concerns to protect Missouri water.
Enforcement action can be taken against CAFOs if they pollute waters of the state since they are permitted under the CWA.The following table simplifies the process of documenting and reporting water quality concerns. You can use the documents linked to ‘What You Observe’ to learn more about how to document and where to report these concerns.
Documenting and Reporting Water Quality Concerns
Possible Cause | What You Observe | How to Document | Where to Report |
Surface water manure pollution from overapplication, spills, and/or leaks | Algal bloom | Take pictures
Test water* Submit an environmental concern report |
Department of Natural Resources emergency hotline 573-634-2436
Department of Health and Senior Services public health emergency hotline 800-392-0272 |
Surface water manure pollution from overapplication, spills, and/or leaks | Discolored and/or foul-smelling water | Take pictures
Test water* Submit an environmental concern report |
Department of Natural Resources |
Surface water manure pollution from overapplication, spills, and/or leaks | Fish kill | Take pictures
Test water* Submit an environmental concern report |
Department of Natural Resources emergency hotline 573-634-2436 |
Groundwater manure pollution from overapplication, spills, and/or leaks | Well water contamination | Test water* | Department of Health and Senior Services |
*Water test results showing elevated nitrates, phosphorous, E. coli and/or fecal coliforms may indicate CAFO manure pollution
There are numerous other ways that CAFOs damage human and environmental health which our government fails to address. In fact, our state government has continuously rolled back regulatory requirements for CAFOs. In the Additional Concerns section, you can read about shortcomings and changes in regulation, as well as how to stay engaged with Watchdogging and reporting additional public health and environmental concerns.