FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For release: June 3, 2019 Contact: Melissa Vatterott, Food & Farm Director (314) 727-0600, ext. 111 NEW STUDY SAYS WHAT’S NEEDED TO HELP LOCAL FARMERS, IMPROVE FOOD ACCESS, AND PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT St. Louis, MO: Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE), on behalf of the St. Louis Food Policy Coalition (STLFPC),…
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Read MoreMCE Engages Gulf Hypoxia Task Force, DNR to Urge Action on Nutrient Pollution
Nutrient pollution is a key concern in an agricultural state like Missouri. We know that excess nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, trigger rapid algal blooms in our waterways. Algal blooms quickly deplete oxygen levels and reduce once thriving aquatic systems to “dead zones.” The Gulf dead zone is a well-known issue, but the effects…
Read MoreRide & Buy Fresh
The Current State of Food Policy in St. Louis: Expanding Access to Food
Sam Falcon, 2019 Food and Farm Legal Intern Low Food Access in STL The city of St. Louis has a food access problem. This may be a new revelation to some, but to others who are particularly affected by this status this is not news. There are many, approximately fifty, areas in the city that…
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