MCE works with small farm outreach specialists, urban farmers, community development organizations, local government, social entrepreneurs and others to support local food, environmental stewardship, family farms, and nutrition and healthy equity.
From our engagement with individuals and organizations about the current gaps in our food system, and research on what other cities and states are doing, we set 4 major priorities for our Local Food Policy Group. Currently we are working to:
- Increase the presence of local food in large markets (i.e. schools, grocery stores, hospitals, food service providers, etc.) by connecting small farmers with new markets.
- Increase healthy, local food access, particularly in underserved communities.
- Increase farmer education and support regarding best agricultural practices, especially those which facilitate environmental stewardship.
- Educated individuals, especially youth, about food identification, gardening, nutrition, and cooking.
We found ideas and resources from the Detroit Food Policy Council and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health especially helpful.